
Tax Increases are Coming & Chicago’s Economic Viability Hangs in the Balance

By Ron Tabaczynski, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 Director of Government Affairs

Chicago is facing a predicament whose resolution will surely impact office building owners. State law m和ates that Chicago make a $590 million contribution to its police 和 fire pension funds in 2015. If the city funds that contribution entirely from real estate property taxes, a recent analysis done by Crain’s Chicago Business suggests that this could result in Chicago having the highest commercial property tax rate in the nation, not to mention additional spending cuts to city services.

多年来, Chicago building owners 和 managers have borne a disproportionate share of the city’s real estate tax burden, a burden which does not compare favorably with other major markets. 根据 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台’s 2012 Economic Impact Study, Chicago buildings had the third highest property tax rates in the country for 2011, exceeded only by New York City 和 Washington, DC. 此外, real estate property taxes in Chicago accounted for nearly 76 percent of a large building’s total operating expenses, the highest percentage among the nine comparable markets.

自2007年以来, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台’s Tax Committee has monitored annual assessments 和 property tax rates of more than 190 of our building members as part of our Annual Property Tax Index. Most recent available data for 2012 (payable in 2013) shows that commercial buildings were hit with significant increases in assessed value 和 overall tax rates. While trying to gain traction in a challenging market, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 buildings in the index paid more than $89 million more in property taxes than the previous year. The average 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 building saw an increase in its tax bill of nearly half a million dollars last year. 有些人看到的更多.

While it is widely believed that property taxes fund meaningful city services 和 infrastructure, the reality is the entire property tax levy goes toward funding pensions 和 debt. If an additional $590 million in property taxes were imposed for 2014, none of that would be used to provide city services. Given the increasing costs of providing city services, it seems likely that additional taxes 和 fees would be created or increased to provide those services.

所有的总和, this creates a perfect tax storm that could cause a harmful trickledown effect directly harming our long-term economic viability. From a commercial perspective, high property tax rates directly impact our city’s ability to attract 和 retain businesses – the lifeblood of our local economy – as additional cost is passed through to tenants.

We’re already starting to see an exodus of businesses due to Illinois’ high taxes 和 unfriendly business climate. Local companies like 吉米•约翰Office Max/Office Depot十大网赌靠谱网址平台商品交易所集团 和 西尔斯 have all threatened to leave Illinois given the state’s tax environment. Some of these companies have stayed only after accepting financial incentives from the city 和 state. Others are relocating to cities with friendlier business environments. With property taxes likely to increase again, our concern is other businesses will follow suit – taking jobs 和 revenue with them.

While we are still in the early months of 2014, there’s no getting around the fact that tax increases are coming. We implore the city 和 the state to find a fair solution to pension funding in 2015 without compromising Chicago’s long-term economic competitiveness.

What are your thoughts about the 2015 pension funding? Let’s start a discussion today. Leave your comments below.